Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013


Dress: C/O MINKPINK @ URBAN OUTFITTERS. Hat and Shoes - Topshop. Bomber Jacket - French Connection.

Well it didn’t take long before another smock dress landed in my wardrobe. Be warned, I even have another in my next up coming outfit post (apologies) but I do love a good smock.
With the new MINKPINK collection arriving at Urban Outfitters, I couldn’t be more excited. Plus, with all orders over £60 being free that means the more you fill your bag the better? Right? … just me?
I think I even spied at 15% off code. Could they temp me even more?... the answer is,yes!
MINKPINK and URBAN OUTFITTERS are also having a pretty darn good competition running. All you have to do is enter HERE to win a £500 shopping spree (thats £500!!!) and joining you is the lovely Olivia from What Olivia Did… if you win, sneak me with you please.

My invite for the Cosmo Blog awards arrived today, ekkk I still cant believe it. Best start planning my visit and what to wear!! ahhhh

Hopefully all your lovely votes will make it the best trip ever!! There's still time to vote for Love Cloth on the Cosmo Blog Awards, i'm under Best New Fashion Blog and will love you forever :)
Thanks everyone who voted and got me this far x

Come say hi, Bloglovin - Twitter - Instagram

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