Senin, 25 November 2013



For the past week I have been getting involved in ‘Q7 Weeks of colour'. A blogger challenge which as seen me post a photo a day, every day for a week. It has been so much fun exploring colour with my Q7 and capturing moments on the go. Like the above, a crisp winter blue sky which I captured using thappropriately named scene mode: 'Blue sky'.

I can’t think of anything that faults the camera, it’s a perfect size which fits easily in the palm of your hand. Which is perfect to keep in your bag for on the go shooting in comparison to my bigger DSLR.

It's 12Pixels image quality is great (which I hope you can see in my photos) and it also hosts full HD Video. AS mentioned before it comes with a great interchangeable lens which I couldn't believe captured so much.
It has all the similar manual settings as my DSLR with, AC, TV and P but it also comes with a setting BC - blur control. (shown in the above two photos) Essentially blurring the background of any image and making the foreground object stand out more something I am always trying to capture manually on my normal camera. 

Alongside this is also has a dial on the front with a few other pre programmed settings, 
Smart Effects such as: 
Custom Image: Bright, Natural, Portrait, Landscape, Vibrant, Radiant, Muted, Bleach Bypass, Reversal Film, Monochrome, Cross Processing.


Ok less of this techy business…If you want to find out more about the Pentax Q7 spec. check it out here, it also comes in ALOT of different colours too and retails for £369.99 which is a great price for a starting camera, if your into photography.

Fancy winning your very own Q7 from Ricoh Imaging UK? Then why not check out the #Q7weeksofcolour competition at

It's been a pleasure to take part in the #Q7weeksofcolour with Pentax and I hope you have enjoyed following my week in colour. 
I would love to hear your thoughts of what you think of my photos and hopefully I will also get a few more snaps of the camera itself up onto the blog :)

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