Kamis, 08 Januari 2015


Autumn looks
London November - London October
I thought before we get too far into 2015 it would be nice to reflect back on some of my favourite looks and memories of 2014. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has been lovingly pushed into taking these photo's, I couldn't do it without you. Some more virtual love to everyone who actually reads this blog. I never thought in 2012 that I would even last at it this long! Hopefully lots more exciting projects and ideas for the new year... hey, maybe i'll even get round to that Youtube channel before 2016.
Spring OutfitsLondon August and London June
Ah summer, a distance memory but what super fun time this year with a road trip from Ireland to Paris and Spain twice. I also did some of my first filming with Cosmopolitan and Peugeot yikes!
Travel and TripsParis August and Brighton August

Summer looksLondon June and N.I June

summer holiday looks
Spain July and Spain May

Spring look
After spending the most of 2014 back and forth to London, winter saw me finally make the big move permanently across the water. I have been slowly but surely been making my flat a home, hopefully lots of interior style posts will start to creep onto the blog this year.
I would love to hear what have been your favourite posts and what you would like to see next? Again a big thank you for everything in 2014 and Happy New Year.

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